Before becoming a programmer, I wore many hats including science writer, journalist and blogger, covering topics ranging from basic science to the Japanese Internet.
Nowadays, I mostly blog at dejimata.com. Below are some highlights from recent years.
Caching Without Marshal (2022/11/11)
Two-part series on the Shopify Engineering blog about migrating our cache from Marshal to MessagePack.
Arel with Wharel (2018/5/30)
Introduces Wharel, a tiny little gem that uses the empty room pattern to make Arel queries easier to build.
The Ruby Module Builder Pattern (2017/5/20)
Learn about a powerful Ruby pattern for building on-the-fly customizable modules. (Covered on Hacker News and presented at RubyKaigi 2017.)
Translating with Mobility (2017/3/3)
A review of translation strategies and introduction to Mobility, a translation framework for Ruby.
Debugging Spree (2014/4/17)
Join me down a rabbit hole into the gory internals of Ruby’s most popular e-commerce library, Spree.